R U OK? Day at Team Spirit Sports: Supporting Mental Health Together

12 September 2024 by
R U OK? Day at Team Spirit Sports: Supporting Mental Health Together
Team Spirit, Jill Busalla
R U OK? Day at Team Spirit Sports: Supporting Mental Health Together
At Team Spirit Sports, we recognise the importance of mental health and the role we can play in supporting one another. This R U OK? Day, our team took some time to connect, check in, and enjoy a day filled with good food and friendly fun.

A Delicious Lunch Courtesy of Pho Home
We kicked off the day with a lunch provided by the talented team at Pho Home. The delicious meal was a hit with everyone and gave us a chance to relax, unwind, and enjoy each other's company. There’s something special about sharing a meal—it opens the door to conversations and creates a sense of community, which is exactly what R U OK? Day is all about.

Table Tennis: Fun and Laughter in the Office
After lunch, we turned up the energy with a friendly table tennis competition. There was plenty of laughter, a bit of healthy competition, and loads of teamwork. It was the perfect way to bring everyone together, lighten the mood, and enjoy some downtime.

Why R U OK? Day Matters to Us
At Team Spirit Sports, we believe that looking out for one another is essential—not just on R U OK? Day, but every day. We are committed to fostering a supportive and caring work environment, where everyone feels comfortable to check in and ask the simple but powerful question: "Are you OK?"

Mental health is a conversation that should be ongoing, and even the smallest actions can make a big difference. We encourage everyone to reach out to friends, family, or colleagues not just on this day, but whenever they feel someone might need support.

A big thank you to Pho Home for the fantastic lunch and to everyone who participated in making this day a success. Let’s continue to support and uplift each other, creating a positive, caring community both inside and outside the workplace.

#RUOKDay #TeamSpiritSports #MentalHealthMatters #PhoHome #TogetherWeThrive
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